Jewish Psychedelic Resources
Foundational Texts
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, “The State of Jewish Belief” in Commentary Magazine, August 1st, 1966
Itzik Lodzer (Rabbi Arthur Green), “Notes from the Jewish Underground: Psychedelics and Kabbalah,” Response, vol. 2, no. 1 (Winter 1968): 9-21
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, “The Ba’al Shem Tov’s Aliyath Han’shama and the LSD Experience, Summer 1963, originally edited and published in Ralph Metzner’s The Ecstatic Adventure, 1968
Yoseph Needelman-Ruiz, Cannabis Chassidis, 2012
Ka-tzetnik 135633 (Yehiel De-Nur) Shivitti: A Vision, 1999
Dr. Rick Strassman, DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible, 2014
Dr. Sula Benet, ”Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp”, from Cannabis and Culture, 1936
Rabbi Menachem Brayer, “LSD: A Jewish View”, from Tradition, Summer 1968
Hamilton Morris, “The Magic Jews”, Vice, September 2008
Rabbi Jay Michaelson, Ayahuasca and Kabbalah, January 2008
Benny Shannon, “Biblical Entheogens: a Speculative Hypothesis”, 2013
Rabbi Arthur Green, interviewed by Jayne K. Guberman, “Jewish Counterculture Oral History Project”, August 5, 2016
Shalom Goldman, “LSD and the Rabbis” from Sacred Matters, August 14, 2014 Part 1: Part 2: Part 3 (not found)
Madison Margolin, “Was Moses tripping when he saw the burning bush? Should you try?”, Times of Israel, November 2016
Madison Margolin, “Marijuana Has Always Been A Part Of Jewish Life From Ancient Israel To The Shtetl”, Forward, November 2017
Madison Margolin, “Rebirth in Bethlehem”, Playboy 2018
Madison Margolin, “How Israelis and Palestinians Are Using Cannabis to Cope With Their Trauma”, Herb, August 2018
David A.M. Wilensky, “Can psychedelics heal the Jewish people? This rabbi is exploring that question.” J Weekly, August 2019
Madison Margolin, “How Psychedelics are Reigniting Judaism”, DoubleBlind, June 2019
Dr. James Cooke, “Psychedelics and Judaism”, Reality Sandwich, December 2020
Madison Margolin, “Returning Home: Jewish Trauma & Psychedelic Healing”, Ayin Press, February 2020
Moran Sharir, “The Dutch Psychiatrist Who Treated Traumatized Holocaust Survivors With LSD”, Haaretz (English), March 2020
Ben Harris, “Jewish psychedelics reformer Rick Doblin wants to see therapeutic MDMA legalized”, JTA, November, 2020
Morgan Shipley, “Psychedelic Judaism in a Countercultural America”, in Jewish Radicalisms, 2021